Friday, March 28, 2014

Bicycle Safety

With the warmer temperatures,  you will likely want to get your bicycle out to get out to enjoy sunshine.  While it is a great thing to do, please include safety in your plan.  There are several things you should consider before heading out on a bike ride, or sending your children out on their bikes. 

  1. You should always wear a helmet.  The majority of serious injuries that occur in bicycle accidents are as a result of a fall.  The most serious injuries are head injuries.  You can prevent becoming seriously injured or killed by wearing a helmet.  You may think it isn't "cool", but it can save your life.
  2. Make sure you always carry identification with you while riding your bicycle.  If you are injured in a crash, and are unable to communicate with first responders, it may become extremely difficult to notify your family.  You can get your children "Child ID bracelets" from many different sources.  These are extremely useful if your children become separated from you even when not on their bicycles. 
  3. When you get your bicycle out of storage, make sure you check it out for proper operation.  Be sure you have plenty of air in the tires, and make sure the brakes are working correctly. 

In addition to the above safety tips, there are several City Ordinances which apply specifically to bicycles.  One thing to remember is that bicycles are considered vehicles.  When riding a bicycle, you must abide by all traffic laws.  Below is a list of bicycle SPECIFIC ordinances:

  • 474.02:  Riding upon seats - A person operating a bicycle shall not ride other than upon the permanent and regular seat, nor carry any other person upon the bicycle unless they are on a firmly attached and regular seat. 
    • This describes double riding, riding upon the handlebars, or on pegs on the front or back of the bicycle.  All are illegal. 
  • 474.03:  Attaching bicycles to other vehicles - No person riding upon a bicycle, coaster, roller skates, sled, or toy shall attach the same or himself to any vehicle upon the roadway.    No operator shall knowingly permit anyone to attach themselves to any vehicle while it is moving on a roadway.
  • 474.04:  Riding on the right side of the roadway:  When riding a bicycle upon the roadway, you shall ride as near to the right side of the roadway as practicable, obeying all traffic rules applicable to vehicles.
    • Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway shall not ride more than two abreast in a single lane. ( side by side)
  • 474.05:  Lights, signal devices, brakes - Every bicycle shall be equipped with the following:
    • Headlight with white light visible from at least 500 feet to the front
    • A red reflector on the rear visible from 600 feet to the rear when in front of lawful lower beam headlights of a vehicle
    • A red tail light visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear
    • a colorless reflector on the front of the bicycle
    • an audible warning device (bell or horn) capable of giving a signal audible for a distance of at least 100 feet. (no sirens or whistles)
    • adequate brakes
  • 474.06:  Bicycle riding in business district - No person shall ride a bicycle upon the sidewalks of any street within the business district.
    • business district defined:  Business district means the territory bounded by and including Baxter Street on the west, Jackson Street on the east, the Penn-Central Railroad on the north, and Elm Street on the south.  When regarding Main Street it includes the area between Grand Ave. on the north, and the Erie Railroad ( south of Vine) on the south.  When regarding Market Street, it includes Jackson Street on the east, and Collett Street on the west. 
  • 474.08:  Riding unsafe bicycle prohibited - No person shall ride or operate, any bicycle that is in such an unsafe condition that a person may be endangered. 
We want you to have a great time this year on your bicycle.  Please plan ahead, and ensure you are following the applicable laws and safety recommendations.  Have a great riding season!

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