Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Badges for Baseball

LPD Officers interact with school children for a game of baseball.

For the past few months, Lima Police Department Sergeant Jason Garlock has been trading his Police uniform for a baseball jersey. 

Sergeant Garlock has been heading up the LPD's efforts to support The Badges For Baseball Program.  The program was created by the Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Justice as a juvenile crime prevention initiative.  The Lima Police Department partnered with Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Central Ohio in order to bring the initiative to Lima.   As part of the program, law enforcement officers become the coaches, and use team sports and an interactive curriculum to teach important lessons about teamwork, communication, respect, and leadership that can be used both on and off the field. 

The purpose of the Badges for Baseball Program in Lima is to:

  • Help students build character.
  • To teach life lessons
  • And for students to have a positive interaction with law enforcement officers.

Sergeant Garlock has been assisted by other officers from the LPD including Officer Randy Kohli and Officer Justin Schroeder.

Today the media was invited to observe the program at South Science Technology Magnet, 755 St. Johns.  a special appearance was made by Damon Morris of the Ohio Attorney General's Office.

As part of the program, the students take part in classroom time with the Officers, who present a lesson plan.  Today's lesson plan was about teamwork, and positive communication.  After the lesson plan the class moves to the gymnasium to play a game of "Quickball".  The action was fast paced and everyone involved had a great time!

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