Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Badges for Baseball

LPD Officers interact with school children for a game of baseball.

For the past few months, Lima Police Department Sergeant Jason Garlock has been trading his Police uniform for a baseball jersey. 

Sergeant Garlock has been heading up the LPD's efforts to support The Badges For Baseball Program.  The program was created by the Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Justice as a juvenile crime prevention initiative.  The Lima Police Department partnered with Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Central Ohio in order to bring the initiative to Lima.   As part of the program, law enforcement officers become the coaches, and use team sports and an interactive curriculum to teach important lessons about teamwork, communication, respect, and leadership that can be used both on and off the field. 

The purpose of the Badges for Baseball Program in Lima is to:

  • Help students build character.
  • To teach life lessons
  • And for students to have a positive interaction with law enforcement officers.

Sergeant Garlock has been assisted by other officers from the LPD including Officer Randy Kohli and Officer Justin Schroeder.

Today the media was invited to observe the program at South Science Technology Magnet, 755 St. Johns.  a special appearance was made by Damon Morris of the Ohio Attorney General's Office.

As part of the program, the students take part in classroom time with the Officers, who present a lesson plan.  Today's lesson plan was about teamwork, and positive communication.  After the lesson plan the class moves to the gymnasium to play a game of "Quickball".  The action was fast paced and everyone involved had a great time!

Officer Commended

Officer Roger Lybarger of First Shift received two commendations this morning for his actions. 

Officer Roger Lybarger was the center of attention in First Shift's roll call this morning. He received two commendations from Major James Baker, the Commander of Patrol Services.

Officer Lybarger was commended for his efforts in a January 9th incident in which he and Officer Johnny Elchert performed CPR on a person who was not breathing.

He was also commended for his actions on February 1st. He was on routine patrol and noticed the distinct smell of raw marijuana in a neighborhood. He was able to determine the residence the odor was coming from and initiated an investigation. As a result of the investigation a large marijuana grow operation was discovered and several charges were filed.

Great work Officer Lybarger!

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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Missing Child LOCATED

Thanks to an alert citizen, a missing Lima child was located.

a 12 year old child, Brandon Bradford was reported missing, and had last been seen at 6:30 PM yesterday in the area of Highland and Fairview. Based on facts discovered through the investigation, a missing child alert was issued. As part of the alert through the program "A Child is Missing", automated telephone calls were made to residents in the area.

A woman in the 800 block of E. Second Street received the automated telephone call broadcasting information about the missing child. She looked out her front window and saw a child matching his description in her yard. She immediately went outside and confirmed that the child walking through her yard was Brandon. She kept him at her residence and immediately called LPD.

Brandon has safely been returned to his family. There is no indication of foul play.

Thank you to www.achildismissing.org
and thank you to the citizen who located the child! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

15 arrested following underage party

LPD arrested 15 people early Sunday morning after reports of a loud party in the 800 Block of Ashton.

on Sunday morning at approximately 12:30 AM, Third  Shift officers were called to the area of the 800 block of W. Ashton for a loud party.  Once arriving in the area officers discovered the party was actually at 1210 Judith.  As officers approached they observed several persons around the residence holding open alcohol containers.  As officers approached to investigate, several persons began fleeing in all directions, as well as back into the residence. 

After a brief investigation it was determined that there were several people at the house drinking alcohol who were under the age of 21.  15 people were arrested for alcohol related charges as a result of the party.  Deputies from the ACSO and Troopers from the OSHP assisted officers in handling the incident. 

The persons arrested were:

Nicholas W. Baker, age 20 from Lima
Stratton V. Smith, age 19 from Lima
Nathaniel C. Mladenovic, age 20 from Lima
Sertio Royo, age 21 from Lima
Rafael Salgueiro, age 21 from Lima
Kyle A.M. Barry, age 19 from Lima
Tyler D. Baker, age 18 from Ada
Vontrell A. Gayden, age 19 from Lima
Nicholas W. Leary, age 20 from Lima
Kaitlyn C. Tigg, age 19 from Van Wert
Jamison C. Inskeep, age 19 from Bluffton
Jacob A. Harmon, age 19 from Van Wert
Haden N. Clark, age 18 from Bluffton
Dylan M. McGue, age 18 from Cridersville
Austin M. Lloyd, age 19 from Lima

The party had been advertised on popular social networking sites such as twitter. 

Underage drinking is not a victimless crime.  Please do not engage in this dangerous and illegal activity.  If you suspect underage drinking at a party, please contact the Lima Police Department at (419) 227-4444

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Help us ID a credit card thief

Do you recognize this suspect?

The Lima Police Department is requesting your help in identifying a subject who used a stolen credit card at the Rich Gas Station on September 8th 2013. 

On 9-8-13, someone broke into a vehicle in the 600 block of Prospect.  Among the items stolen from the vehicle were a wallet containing a credit card.  Later the same day the subject in this photo used the same credit card at the Rich Gas Station at Main and Grand. 

If you recognize this suspect or have any information about this crime, please contact the Lima Police Department at (419) 227-4444.  Information can be passed to Detective Steve Stechschulte.  You may also provide confidential information through our social media sites.

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Monday, February 3, 2014

Cell Phone Scam Alert

Missed a call on your phone?  You should think twice before you call it back.

Better Business Bureau (BBB) warns cellphone users about a new scam that can result in unauthorized charges appearing on their monthly wireless statement.

BBB’s across the country are seeing a rash of reports of “ring and runs” or “The One Ring Scam” on cell phones recently where returning a missed call from an Unknown number might be tempting, but it could cost you.

Here is how it works:

Consumers in several states report receiving calls on their mobile phones in which an unknown caller hangs up after one ring. When the cell owner returns the call, they are billed $19.95 for the international call fee. They may hear music, then advertising while they are unknowingly connected to a caller-paid toll service or chat line located outside the country. At $9 per minute, these calls can add up quickly.

The Caribbean area codes that appear on the caller ID often have been reported to be from the Dominican Republic (809), Jamaica (876), British Virgin Islands (284), Grenada (473) and Dominica (767).

The practice of third parties placing unauthorized charges on wireless accounts is called “cramming.” If you have fallen for this scam, be sure to alert your cell phone carrier immediately and keep an eye on you cell phone bill. The earlier you document the fraud, the better your chances of having some or all of the charges removed.

To protect yourself from unauthorized charges on your cellphone bill, BBB offers the following tips:

  • When in doubt, don’t pick up or call back. If you don’t recognize an out-of-state telephone number on your caller ID, ignore it.
  • Understand your mobile bill. Be sure to keep track of what services you pay for, that way you will be able to determine if any charges are unauthorized.
  • Keep a close eye on monthly statements. Anyone can become a victim of bill cramming. Monitoring your bill is the best way to determine whether or not you’ve been affected. The sooner you spot any unexpected charges, the sooner you can stop them.
  • Add restrictions to your account. Contact your service provider to see if you can restrict third-party billing on your account.
  • Inform other users on your mobile phone plan. It’s important to let other friends and family members on your cellphone plan know about this scam, and to ignore phone numbers they do not recognize.
  • Bottom Line – If it’s Unknown, Leave it alone.

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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Officers investigate shots fired complaint

Officers observe 2 men shooting a firearm in a residential area.

Third Shift officers responded to reports of shots being fired just after midnight on February 2nd in the area of the 800 block of N. Elizabeth. Nothing was found at that time.  Approximately 30 minutes later they were sent back to the area for more shots fired.  Officers were on foot checking the area when they observed 2 men shooting a handgun in the backyard of a residence in the 800 block of N. Elizabeth.  The two men were taken into custody and face charges of Discharging a firearm within the City limits. Their names are not being released at this time pending the completion of the investigation.  No injuries were reported as a result of the incident.